Monday, September 7, 2015

My Expectations for Physics

I think that this course will be one of the most challenging courses that I have taken so far. I will be pushed to my limits and be pushed to try my hardest. I personally, have many expectations for this course. I can not wait to learn all the material that this course will cover. Over the course of the year, I hope to try new things such as learning new study and life skills that will help me in the future. This year, I am very excited for the topics and projects that we will be learning about. I am very excited to learn about Newton's Laws of Motion and energy. I also would like to learn a lot about the kinetic theory. I hope that I will be able to learn as much as I can throughout the year. Overall, I am very thrilled that I am able to take this class and learn all of the topics that a lot of students across the country will not be learning.

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