Monday, January 25, 2016


What is Programming?

          "Programming is the process of taking an algorithm and encoding it into a notation, a programming language, so that it can be executed by a computer."
          "Programming is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs."

Computer Programming is the process of telling a computer what to do though programming languages. It is the process of creating a sequence of instructions that tells a computational device what to do.The specific program is interpreted by a computer and then it preforms the task it wa told to do.

Types of Programming Languages:

In 2015, the top 10 programming languages were:

  • C: this program is widely known and gives maximum control and efficient to the programmer. C allows you to create lists for your computer to follow. It is an easy language to learn and is a compiled language. The C program is in human readable form that is then put through a C compiler for your computer to read and follow.
  • C++: this program is an extension of C. It is most commonly used with system/application software, drivers, client-software applications and embedded firmware.
  • C#: It was developed by Microsoft. It is a multi-paradigm programming language. "C# has strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented, and component- oriented programming disciplines."
  • Java: it is a programming language that was designed to look and feel like the C++ language but a lot simpler. It was designed for the use of the internet. This language can be used to create complete applications that run on a single computer and it can also create small applications for a web page.
  • JavaScript: it is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted program. It is a subset to Java
  • Python: this program is like a glue language that helps to connect existing components together.It consists of dynamic semantics.
  • R: this program is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It run on a wide variety of UNIX platforms.
  • PHP: this is a programming language that the server is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language
  • Matlab: it is a mathematical scripting language that is very similar to C++. Some features of this language includes easy creation of scientific and engineering, efficient matrix and vector computations, and application development, including graphical user interface building.
  • Ruby: it is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general purpose programming language developed in the mid-1990s in Japan. 
This is the ranking of the top 10 programing languages of 2015

History of Programming:

  • The first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace. In 1842, she described the algorithm as the first computer program. She also theorized that one day a computer could play music and chess.
  • In 1889, Herman Hollerith developed the idea of the electric tabulating system. This was a machine that could read data. He also created the tabulator and keypunch machine. 
  • In 1906, Herman Hollerith developed a plugboard that allows for the computer to multitask and do many things without reconstructing it each time.
  • In 1937, the first electronic and digital computer was created to solve linear equations.
  • In World War II, the Colossus machines were the first programmable, electronic, digital computers. Those machines were used to decrypt German messages
  • In 1947, Grace Murray Hopper detected the first actual computer bug.
  • In 1949, the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator ran its first program to calculate a table of squares and find a list of prime numbers.
  • In 1954, the first high level computer programming language was created by John Backus and it was called Fortran.
  • In 1961, the first computer game was created. It was called Spacewar and it took over 200 man hours to complete
  • In 1983, the first computer virus was created by Fred Cohen. This was a hidden program that could infect other computers with the use of a floppy disk.

Programming Jobs:

          In this picture, it shows the different programming languages along with the variety of jobs and the amount of money that goes along with these different jobs. Programming is one of the most attractive fields these days. There is a good amount of money to make and a lot of positions open. The highest computer programming salaries are in the United States. The second country is Russia. The China, Ukraine, Philippines, and India. In the U.S. the average amount of money made is about 60,000 dollars. Above, it also shows the different salaries that people make depending on their job.


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